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Feb 10 – 14, 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone


Not scheduled
Poster CC: Capacity building (e.g. human resource development and sustainability, nuclear security education and job-specific performance training including for newcomer countries)


Indragini Indragini (National Nuclear Energy Agency)


Elements of capacity building for nuclear security cover education, training, awareness, workforce management, knowledge management and network management. As an operator, Indonesia National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN) has an obligation to ensure adequacy of its capacity building for nuclear security in organization level. According to Implementing Guide NSS-31 G document, one of organization roles in developing its own capacity building programs is to develop strong training programmes, including frequent exercises, to develop and maintain skills and test plans, and to help reinforce the attitudes and behaviours that contribute to a robust nuclear security culture. To do so, BATAN develops nuclear security training scheme for based on level of competency that must be have accordance with position level and personnel responsibilities to nuclear security in the organization. In conducting training program, it is necessary to develop and periodically review a nuclear security training scheme as a framework and clear direction to have an effective capacity building program.

BATAN’s nuclear security training scheme has four level of competencies that are covered in introductory, basic, intermediate and advance training program. Introductory training program provides awareness training for all level of workforces. Basic training program covers mandatory trainings required by Indonesian goverment regulations and regulatory body. Intermediate training program is designed to fulfil technical kowledge and skills needed by security personnel. Advance training program is dedicated to create nuclear security experts and trainers, to ensure availability of human resources and sustainability of nuclear security training program. Each level of training program has many trainings to conduct.

The training scheme itself had been first introduced in 2014, but it had not been reviewed since that time. Therefore, it is important to do a review after five years of implementation. The review had been carried out by cross-referencing the BATAN nuclear security training capacities with Implementing Guide NSS-31 G document. The document provide guidance needed to develop comprehensive nuclear security training program and capacities for organization level. Output of the review is a matrix of nuclear security training program for BATAN’s workforces and gap of nuclear security capacities in conducting training that should be overcame by BATAN as an organization. As result, several trainings should be added into training scheme and conducted in regular basis. Identified trainings that should be added into training scheme include nuclear forensic for introductory level, security of nuclear and other radioactive material transportation for basic level, maintenace of security equipment, threat and security risk assessment, both for intermediate level and vulnerability assessment for advance level. While, recomendation to fulfil gap in conducting nuclear security training related are establishment of a clear nuclear security training program, development of training curricula, including suitable training methods, provision of training facilities, including exercise field, provision of availability of competent trainer and instructors team and improvement of formal collaboration and cooperation with other training institutions, stakeholders and organization at national and global level.

State Indonesia
Gender Female

Primary author

Indragini Indragini (National Nuclear Energy Agency)

Presentation materials