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Feb 10 – 14, 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone

Consolidation of nuclear security capacities in The republic of Moldova

Not scheduled
Poster MORC: Building and maintaining nuclear security detection architecture


Dr Ionel Balan (NARNRA)


Since the beginning of the implementation of IAEA INSSP, Moldova has achieved promising results in the context of strengthening security capabilities. Thus, the infrastructure for the detection of radioactive and nuclear materials at the border control points was strengthened, the system of physical protection of the nuclear and radiological facilities was strengthened. Also, the building of the national nuclear forensics capacity, the detection and the placement under control of orphan radioactive sources, the development of the regulatory framework in the field of nuclear security was developed and implemented. Now it is on working process the drafting of First respond system in case of nuclear or radiological events. A special compartment is also the securing actions of the radioactive sources from the eastern part of the Republic of Moldova (Transnistria).

State Moldova
Gender Male

Primary author

Dr Ionel Balan (NARNRA)

Presentation materials