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Feb 10 – 14, 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone

Protecting sensitive nuclear sites

Not scheduled
Interactive Content Presentation CC: Establishing and formalizing nuclear security processes into integrated management systems


L Texier


In this communication, Electricité de France (EDF) and the Gendarmerie Nationale (French Military Forces) will provide an update of the organization we have in France since 10 years for the Physical Protection of EDF Nuclear Power Plants (NPP).
Protecting French NPP relies on sharing of responsibilities between the French State and Nuclear Plant Operator (NPO). The State defines the threats and the objectives in terms of protection, provides for intelligence gathering and intervention, as a supplement to the obligations incumbent on the NPO. The NPO has a requirement to deliver results based on a reference case of threats supplied by the state as well as with reference to regulatory requirements. The Design Basis Threat reference case is regularly updated by the French state and leads EDF to periodically review its security arrangements for nuclear facilities
Today, EDF approach is based on the implementation of three keys concepts based in line with the IAEA Nuclear Security Series. In this communication we will present non sensitive’s progress achieved in these three keys concepts (technical, organizational and nuclear emergency response governance and crisis organization) during the last past years.
In France, to protect its 58 NPP, EDF has chosen a specific model, relying equipment for physical protection and human resources. It’s a Public-Private partnership defined in a specific convention agreement between EDF and the ministry of interior. In this particular case, the relevant state forces are financed by EDF.
First, it’s important to know that the organization rely on resources that are held by the private civil sector classified as EDF staff (site security personnel) and the public sector. In that particular case, dedicated response units, called ‘PSPG’ are missioned to respond to the highest levels of threat. As these are state forces, these response units also constitute the first-tier response coordinated by the French state. The Gendarmerie is also present as a territorial police force and provides the special forces from regional and national level. The advantage and the suitability of this model, which allows flexible coordination between the NPO’s resources and those of the state, was underlined by the members of the IPPAS mission that was held in France at the end of 2011.
In this communication:
- We will also focus on a few pragmatic examples such as the cooperation between EDF and French State, the design and management of access and, the computer security equipment room security upgrade.
- We will share a part of the return of experience in the security crisis management between EDF and the Gendarmerie
- This conference will also focus on a few pragmatic examples about cooperation between EDF and the Gendarmerie to design protection measures for first-tier response and to design barrier protection such as fences and special doors.
- EDF human resource’s management process will also explain with EDF role in the French CoE.
- We will particularly present EDF major technical and organizational recent update for the minimization of the risk about insider threats.

State France

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