Uranium Markets
- Nicolas Carter (The Ux Consulting Company, LLC)
- Olga Skorlyakova (World Nuclear Association)
Riaz Rizvi
(Kazatomprom, Republic of Kazakhstan)
6/25/18, 2:00 PM
Track 2. Uranium markets
In the current uranium industry conditions, the stable and sustainable natural uranium and uranium fuel supply is becoming crucial.
It can be achieved through the mandatory diversification of uranium suppliers portfolio regulations issued by IAEA for the utilities. Some countries and utilities experience such constraints, when they are not able to procure uranium through different sources,...
(CNEA (Argentina))
6/25/18, 2:20 PM
Track 2. Uranium markets
In 1992, due to the low prices in the international market, the import of uranium concentrates began from South Africa, a situation that gradually led to the closure of local production in 1997. Since then, there has been no production of uranium in the country, while the uranium needs from operating nuclear power plants have been met with raw materials imports from abroad...
Banu Bulut Acar
(Hacettepe University Nuclear Engineerin Department)
6/25/18, 2:40 PM
Track 2. Uranium markets
The Turkish economy has a projected average annual growth rate of 7-8 % for the near future. Therefore, it has an increasing demand and consumption for electricity. According to the tenth five-year development plan, the primary energy demand of Turkey will increase by 25 %, while the total electricity demand will increase by 34 % during this period [1]. In an effort to achieve...
Tom Calvert
(Natural Resources Canada)
6/25/18, 3:00 PM
Track 2. Uranium markets
Pitchblende ore was mined at the Port Radium mine in the Northwest Territories from 1932 to 1940 to extract radium for medical use [1]. However, Canadian uranium production did not begin until 1942, when, at the request of the Government of Canada, the Port Radium mine was re-opened to supply uranium for the Manhattan Project [2]. With the onset of the Cold War,...