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Recovery of uranium and accompanying metals from the secondary raw materials

Jun 27, 2018, 5:00 PM


POSTER Track 8. Uranium from unconventional resources Poster Session


Dr Katarzyna Kiegiel (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology)


In the last years the interest of uranium recovery from secondary sources is growing. In Poland, the advanced studying concerning the possibility of uranium obtaining form domestic resources and also secondary resources such as phosphates rocks and industrial wastes: flotation tailings from copper industry and phosphogypsum, is performed . There are two main reasons for these kind of studies: - recovery of heavy metals form the industrial wastes is important to the society, industry and environment - the selective separation of uranium is a very important in the context of energy production and treatment of nuclear wastes The solid materials were leached with using acids or alkaline solutions in stationary reactors or with perolactive leaching. The obtained liquors were separated from solid residue and then were purified by liquid-liquid extraction or ion exchange chromatography. Acknowledgement: The studies were supported by the financial resources for science in the years 2017-2018 granted for the implementation of the international project co-financed 3643/IAEA/16/2017/0, IAEA Research Contract No: 18542
Country or International Organization Poland

Primary author

Dr Katarzyna Kiegiel (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology)


Ms Dorota Gajda (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology) Prof. Grażyna Zakrzewska-Koltuniewicz (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology)

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