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World Nuclear Association 2017 Fuel Report

25 Jun 2018, 10:40
Boardroom A (Vienna)

Boardroom A


ORAL Track 2. Uranium markets OPENING SESSION


Ms Olga Skorlyakova (World Nuclear Association)


The World Nuclear Association has published reports on nuclear fuel demand and supply at two-year intervals since 1975. The 2017 report is the 18th edition in the series and looks at scenarios for uranium demand and supply to 2035. *The Nuclear Fuel Report* considers three scenarios (Lower, Reference and Upper); the projections are based on assumptions of electricity demand growth, nuclear economics, public acceptance, government policies and electricity market structure within each country. From 2000 until the Fukushima accident in March 2011, successive editions of *The Nuclear Fuel Report* projected increasing nuclear capacity. But since Fukushima, the reports have reduced nuclear capacity projections year-on-year, with a corresponding reduction in uranium requirements. The extensive range of mining projects that were developed over 2000-2010 have largely fallen away in the light of historically low uranium prices. The World Nuclear Association believes that nuclear energy can make a greater contribution to clean and reliable electricity generation and presents a vision for the future, called ‘Harmony’. In this vision, 25% of global electricity in 2050 would be provided by nuclear energy. We can be confident that sufficient uranium resources exist in the world to allow such a rapid expansion.
Country or International Organization World Nuclear Association

Primary author

Ms Olga Skorlyakova (World Nuclear Association)

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