IAEA International Conference on Nuclear Security: Commitment and Actions
Vienna International Centre
Vienna International Centre
Following the successful International Conference on Nuclear Security: Enhancing Global Efforts held in Vienna, Austria in July 2013, the International Atomic Energy Agency is organizing a second conference in this area- the International Conference on Nuclear Security: Commitments and Actions-at its Headquarters in Vienna, Austria from 5-9 December 2016.
The 2016 conference will have two main parts:
A Ministerial segment which will provide an opportunity for ministers to deliver messages on achievements, commitments and actions, and adopt a Ministerial Declaration; and
A scientific and technical programme comprising high level policy discussions on six broad themes central to nuclear security and parallel technical sessions on specialized scientific, technical, legal and regulatory issues concerning nuclear security.
Purpose and Objectives
The conference is being convened to discuss the national and international community's experiences and achievements to date in strengthening nuclear security; to enhance understanding of current approaches to nuclear security worldwide; to identify trends; to provide an inclusive forum at which ministers, policy makers, senior officials and nuclear security experts can formulate and exchange views on future directions and priorities for nuclear security and how these may evolve.
The conference will be the ideal forum to:
Raise awareness of nuclear security;
Review the current status of nuclear security efforts and existing approaches, emerging trends and areas that still need to be addressed;
Consider the medium and long term priorities for nuclear security and how current approaches may evolve to address these and to meet future challenges;
Promote universalization of the key international legal instruments for nuclear security;
Promote international nuclear security guidance and its use by States;
Review technological developments in nuclear security;
Promote sharing of information and good practices in nuclear security, with due regard to protection of sensitive information;
Promote stronger nuclear security culture;
Support capacity building to help sustain national nuclear security regimes;
Encourage diverse participation in such conferences, included increased representation of women, early career professionals and individuals from developing countries;
Reaffirm and support th ecentral role of the IAEA in strengthening the nuclear security framework globally and lead the coordination of international activities in the field of nuclear security, whilst avoiding duplication and overlap.
The conference is aimed at ministers, senior government officials, high level staff from all of the agencies involved in making policy for, and managing nuclear security, and at technical and legal experts working in all areas of nuclear security.
Key Dates
13 May 2016- Submission of the synopsis (with form A and B)
13 May 2016 - Submission of Grant Application (Form C)
29 July 2016- Notification of acceptance of synopsis
31 October 2016 - Submission of full paper (only upon request of the IAEA
Participation and Registration Requirements
Persons wishing to attend the conference must register with the forms listed below.
All those wishing to present a paper must submit a synposis by the 13 May 2016 and be registered to attend the conference in order to be considered.
Items to be completed
Register for NUCLEUS
Register for the Conference - requires log in to NUCLEUS
Form A: submitted through the official authority of his/her country
Form C: Grant applicants only - submitted through the official authority of his/her country
Synopsis Submission Requirements
Persons who wish to present a paper at the conference either orally or in the form of a poster must submit a synopsis to the IAEA. This synopsis must be submitted in an electronic format (no paper copies) directly to the IAEA. The synopsis should be between 400 and 800 words and relevant to the scientific and technical programme. The synopsis must be submitted through INDICO (this system).
All papers submitted must present original work and should not have been published elsewhere.
The synopsis should give enough information on the contents of the proposed paper to enable it to be evaluated.
Items to be completed:
Registration for the Conference (Form A) and Form C if a grant applicant
Form B is to be completed by all participants submitting a synopsis