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Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline
Anyone wishing to present a paper at the conference must submit an abstract in electronic format directly to the IAEA.
The abstracts must be submitted through this system by 31 December 2016. No other form of submission will be accepted.
The submission should indicate to which of the topics it relates and the abstract content should be sequenced accordingly:
    • Background
    • Methodology
    • Results and
    • Conclusion
The abstract:
    • should have a maximum of 500 words (including the title);
    • should not include more than one figure, graph or table;
    • should not include references; and
    • must be written and submitted using the abstract template available from the website

In addition, authors must submit the following two forms to their appropriate governmental authority for transmission to the IAEA. These forms must be received by the IAEA no later than 31 October 2016:
    - Participation Form (Form A); and
    - Form for Submission of a Paper (Form B).

    IMPORTANT: The electronically received abstracts will be considered by the Programme Committee only if these two forms have been received by the IAEA through the established official channels.
    Authors should state to which of the sections their contribution relates.
The call for abstracts is closed.