Tuesday morning - Poster Presentations - Screen2
- Oleg Belyakov (IAEA)
Ramaiah Vinay Kumar
(Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology)
6/20/17, 10:30 AM
Radiotherapy in Cancer Control Plans
Introduction: With around 10,00,000 new patients with cancer annually, India accounts for more than half of burden of cancer patients in developing countries. Multi-modality management of cancer, technologic and skill intensive diagnosis and therapy causes significant strain on already burdened health-care system of developing countries. Grant-in-aid is provided by government, various national...
Muhammad Aqeel Hussain
(Northwest General hospital & Research Centre)
6/20/17, 10:35 AM
Radiotherapy in Cancer Control Plans
Introduction: One of the common methods in radiation therapy of Breast cancer is whole breast irradiation followed by tumor cavity boost (TCB) with electron therapy. The tumor cavity boost following Whole Breast Irradiation (WBI) is well-defined and there are numerous delivery methods of radiation therapy. In our institution we don’t have the facility of electron, so our study comprised of...
Luis Souhami
(McGill University Health Centre)
6/20/17, 10:40 AM
Radiotherapy in Cancer Control Plans
**Purpose**: The optimal post-surgical management of atypical meningiomas remains controversial. The aim of this study was to review the long-term outcomes of patients with atypical meningioma following surgery and to identify potential prognostic factors for disease progression.
**Materials and Methods**: From August 1992 to August 2013, 72 patients with atypical meningioma were treated...
Rebecca Buecker
(Klinikum Lippe)
6/20/17, 10:45 AM
Radiotherapy in Cancer Control Plans
INTRODUCTION: Radiotherapy is an essential cancer treatment which according to experts suggestions contributes to four in ten cases where cancer is cured.1 It is a relatively cheap, safe, 2 cost-effective treatment that is associated with high levels of patient satisfaction 3. Yet radiotherapy is still lacking in many African countries. Cameroon with a population of 22.3 million inhabitants...
Nguyen Tuong Pham
(Hue Central Hospital)
6/20/17, 10:50 AM
Radiotherapy in Cancer Control Plans
PHAM NHU HIEP, PhD, A. Prof. **
(*)Vice- director of Oncology Center, Head of Radiotherapy Department
Hue Central Hospital, Vietnam
(**) Director of Hue Central Hospital
With a population over 90 millions, the cancer incidence rate in Viet Nam is having more than 150,000 new cases diagnosed every year. National strategy has been implementing, including the...