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Jun 20 – 23, 2017
Europe/Vienna timezone


Session 12c - Industry Lunch Symposium

Jun 21, 2017, 12:30 PM


Session 12c - Industry Lunch Symposium: Image-Guided Brachytherapy

  • Alfredo Polo (IAEA)
  • Tomislav Bokulic (Dosimetry Laboratory, DMRP, NAHU, IAEA)


Learning objectives:
1. To understand the concept of image-guided brachytherapy
2. To learn about the latest developments in image-guided brachytherapy

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Mr Alfredo Polo (IAEA)
6/21/17, 12:30 PM
6/21/17, 12:35 PM
6/21/17, 12:55 PM
6/21/17, 1:15 PM
6/21/17, 1:35 PM
Mr Tomislav Bokulic (Dosimetry Laboratory, DMRP, NAHU, IAEA)
6/21/17, 1:55 PM
Building timetable...