Thursday afternoon - Poster Presentations - Screen4
- Oleg Belyakov (IAEA)
Omar Noor
6/22/17, 3:30 PM
The Secondary Standard Dosimetry Laboratory (SSDL) of KFSH&RC is the 1st, and so far the only SSDL in the region having a full range of calibration capabilities covering radiation protection, diagnostic radiology, and radiotherapy.
The SSDL of KFSH&RC is a full member of the International Atomic Energy Agency / World Health Organization SSDLs network. Its standard instruments were...
Mehenna Arib
(King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre)
6/22/17, 3:35 PM
**Purpose:** An International code of practice for reference and relative dosimetry of small static used in external beam radiotherapy is being jointly published by the IAEA and AAPM. This dosimetry protocol is intended to fill the gap left by the universally adopted codes of practices such as TRS398 and TG51 when dealing with small field sizes.
At the Department of Biomedical Physics...
Albin Garcia Andino
David Alonso
(National Institute of Oncology and Radiobiology)
6/22/17, 3:40 PM
Purpose: Basal and squamous cell carcinomas constitute the most frequent cancer type in Cuba. This kind of lesions can be treated by different methods, including radiotherapy with kilovotage X-rays (KVRT). Recently a new KVRT unit - donated to the INOR´s Department of Radiotherapy (DR-INOR) in the framework of a IAEA´s technical cooperation project- has been commissioned. As part of the...
Geoffrey Ibbott
(UT MD Anderson Cancer Center)
6/22/17, 3:45 PM
**Introduction of the study:**
As radiotherapy techniques have advanced over the last two decades, dose planning has become significantly more complex. This is explicitly seen in proton therapy where the Bragg peak produces extremely steep dose gradients, enabling highly conformal treatment plans. Limitations in characterizing these plans using conventional QA systems...
Yanai Krutman
(Soroka University Medical Center)
6/22/17, 3:50 PM
When we receive a breast patient after mastectomy with an expandable prosthesis containing a valve with a rare-earth metal magnet a special protocol has to be designed. The magnet is used to guide the surgeon by means of a gimbal to the right spot where to inject small quantities of saline solution to create a cavity that further on will be filled with a permanent breast...