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Jun 20 – 23, 2017
Europe/Vienna timezone

Measurement of testicular dose during the treatment of Ewing Sarcoma patient underwent External Beam Radiotherapy

Jun 20, 2017, 3:30 PM
Poster Clinical Radiation Oncology Tuesday afternoon - Poster Presentations - Screen2


Gourav Kumar Jain (Department of Radiological Physics, SMS Medical College & Hospital, Jaipur)


Purpose The present investigation aimed to measure testicular dose during the treatment of Ewing Sarcoma patient underwent external beam radiotherapy. Materials and methods A right sided pelvis Ewing Sarcoma patient aged 17 years with pubertal status was chosen for the study. The patient was planned to treat with external beam radiotherapy with radiation dose prescription of a total of 60 Gy/30#. The treatment plan of patient was planned on TiGRT treatment planning system (LinaTech). The patient was treated with 3DCRT on Siemens Oncor Expression machine. The thermoluminesense dosimeter system used in the study is a commercial TL reader system with CaSO4: Dy discs, manufactured by Nucleonix, India. Thermoluminesence dosimeters were used to measure the testicular dose during the external beam radiotherapy treatment. Results The TPS calculated testicular volume of right and left testicle was found to be 20.01 and 12.20 cc respectively. The TPS calculated doses for right and left testicle were found to be 1.40 cGy and 0.80 cGy respectively. The measurements were made for right and left testicle dose and observed doses were found to be 1.31±0.03 cGy and 1.03±0.12 cGy respectively. The cumulative dose to testes in whole treatment was estimated to 35.03 cGy. The percentage deviation between TPS calculated dose and TLD measured dose were observed 7% and 20% for right and left testes respectively. Conclusion TLD has been proven to be a promising dosimeter for in vivo dosimetry. The cumulative dose to testes in whole EBRT treatment was found lesser than the ICRP recommended threshold absorbed dose for occurrence of deterministic effect of radiation. Our results of dose to right gonad showed that the measurement of dose at the surface of testicular is sufficient to evaluate the dose to testicle during radiotherapy. However, TLD calculated dose for left gonad indicating the non reliability of TPS calculated dose for distant OARs from the radiation field.
Institution SMS Medical College & Hospital, Jaipur
Country India

Primary author

Gourav Kumar Jain (Department of Radiological Physics, SMS Medical College & Hospital, Jaipur)


Arun Chougule (Department of Radiological Physics, SMS Medical College & Hospital, Jaipur) Dinesh Mangal (SEAROC Cancer Centre, Jaipur)

Presentation materials