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8–13 Oct 2012
US/Pacific timezone

EX/P3-07: Study of Fueling Control for Confinement Experiments in Heliotron J

10 Oct 2012, 08:30
Poster Room (Area F-B)

Poster Room (Area F-B)

Poster EXC - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Confinement Poster: P3


Mr Tohru MIZUUCHI (Japan)


This paper discusses the effects of fueling control on plasma performance in Heliotron J, a helical-axis heliotron device with an L/M = 1/4 helical coil (R_0 = 1.2 m, <a_p> = 0.12-0.17 m, <B_0> < 1.5 T). Here, L and M are the pole number of the helical coil and its helical pitch number, respectively. Based on recent installation/improvement of diagnostics, which give us plasma profile database for detailed transport analyses, the confinement study has been accelerated. Here fueling and recycling control is not only one of the key issues for high density and high performance plasma but also plays important roles in diagnostics. Effectiveness of supersonic molecular beam injection (SMBI) fueling has been studied based on profile data. A peaked density profile is realized by SMBI in NBI plasma, while a conventional gas puff (GP) fueling results in rather flat profile for the same heating condition. This is qualitatively consistent with the edge density profile reconstructed from an AM microwave reflectometer data. Since the amount of gas to obtain the same increment of the line-averaged density is about 30-40% higher in GP compared to SMBI, the expected difference in the neutral density outside the plasma after SMBI or GP might contribute to make the observed different density profile at ~20ms after the fueling. SMBI can also affect plasma fluctuations. Fast camera observation for filament structure in the edge turbulence has revealed that SMBI can change its rotation direction and/or speed. Similar change is observed at L-H transition in Heliotron J. In addition, recent density fluctuation measurement at different radial positions with a beam-emission spectroscopy (BES) system suggests SMBI affects the fluctuation inside the last-closed flux surface. Here, the observed fluctuation may be some MHD mode relating to high-energy ions. During about 10ms after SMBI, the fluctuation is not observed in BES data and the Mirnov-coil signal is decreased, suggesting change of excitation condition of the mode. These observations suggest more preferable control scenario of NBI deposition profile toward core heating through n_e(r) modification caused by SMBI.

Country or International Organization of Primary Author


Primary author

Mr Tohru MIZUUCHI (Japan)


Prof. Fumimichi SANO (Kyoto Univeristy) Prof. Hiroyuki OKADA (Kyoto University) Mr Hyunyong LEE (Kyoto University) Prof. Kazunobu Nagasaki (Kyoto University) Dr Kiyofumi MUKAI (Kyoto University) Prof. Kiyoshi HANATANI (Kyoto University) Mr Linge ZANG (Kyoto University) Dr Masaki TAKEUCHI (JAEA) Prof. Nobuhiro NISHINO (Hiroshima University) Dr Satoshi YAMAMOTO (Kyoto University) Dr Shigeru KONOSHIMA (Kyoto University) Prof. Shinichiro KADO (University of Tokyo) Dr Shinji KOBAYASHI (Kyoto University) Dr Shinsuke OSHIMA (Kyoto University) Prof. Takashi MINAMI (Kyoto University) Prof. Yosuke NAKASHIMA (University of Tsukuba) Prof. Yuji NAKAMURA (Kyoto University)

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